The Importance of Deworming in Cats: Protecting Your Furry Friend from Intestinal Parasites

deworming in cats

Intestinal parasites, also known as worms, are a common problem faced by pet owners, especially when it comes to cars. These worms reside inside the intestines and can be transmitted to cats in various ways. They may be passed on from the mother to kittens during pregnancy, or cats can acquire them by being outdoors or coming into contact with other infected cats.

The presence of intestinal parasites can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of cats. These worms can wreak havoc on the cat's intestinal system, leading to symptoms such as cramping, diarrhea, and overall discomfort. Interestingly, some cats may not even realize they have these parasites.

The severity of the problem lies in the fact that these parasites can cause inflammation in the intestinal walls and also consume essential nutrients from the cat's body. This can further compromise the cat's overall health and make it more susceptible to other illnesses or complications.

Given the detrimental effects of intestinal parasites on cats, it becomes crucial for pet owners to delve deep into this issue and seek appropriate solutions to protect their furry companions.

To prevent your cat from getting parasites, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. They can prescribe suitable medication for your cat, which may need to be administered on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, depending on your cat's needs.

If your cat primarily stays indoors, the chances of getting worms are relatively lower. In such cases, deworming cats can be done every six months to a year.

Spotting Cat Ringworm Symptoms

When it comes to identifying whether a cat has worms, the symptoms may vary depending on the type and severity of the infestation. However, there are some general nonspecific cat ringworm symptoms to watch out for, including a dull coat, coughing, hacking, or wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, presence of mucous and blood in the stool, poor appetite, pale mucous membranes, a swollen or potbellied appearance in the stomach area, anemia, and dehydration.

Being vigilant about these symptoms and seeking veterinary assistance can help in diagnosing and treating worm infestations in cats promptly.

Deworming medication for Cats

While it is important to obtain deworming medication through a veterinarian's prescription, in case you don't have access to one, you can consider administering it at home. It is crucial, however, to ensure you choose the appropriate deworming medication for your cat. There are mainly two types of medicine i.e. deworming tablet for cats and deworming syrup for cats. Here are some recommendations to help you find the right one.

Note: We do not advocate the practice of deworming at home without explicit medical instructions from your vet. Many of these products require a prescription.

1. Bayer Drontal Cat Dewormer
Prescription required: Yes
Minimum age: 4 weeks
Delivery method: Tablet
Treats: Tapeworm, Roundworm, Hookworm

2. Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Cat Dewormer 
Prescription required: No
Minimum age: 8 weeks
Delivery method: Liquid
Treats: Roundworms.

3. Bayer Advantage Topical Solution For Cats 
Prescription required: Yes
Minimum age: 2 pounds
Delivery method: Topical
Treats: Broad spectrum

4. Revolution Topical Solution for Kittens
Prescription required: Yes
Minimum age: 8 weeks
Delivery method: Topical
Treats: Heartworms, Fleas, Ear Mites, Roundworms, Hookworms

5. Homeopet WRM Clear Cat Dewormer 
Prescription required: No
Minimum age: Adult
Delivery method: Liquid
Treats: Roundworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms, Whipworms.

Effective Cat Ringworm Home Treatment

1. Aloe Vera
The topical gel form of aloe vera is widely accessible, but if you have a plant growing at home, you may simply split open a leaf and apply the gooey gel directly to the affected area. The recommended frequency is three times each day. Additionally to aiding in the cat ringworm treatment, the gel has the ability to reduce disease-related itching, inflammation, and discomfort.

2. Coconut Oil
There is a lot of evidence to support the notion that coconut oil can benefit your cat as well because it is completely safe for cats and has demonstrated such promise with humans. Even if it doesn't heal your cat, your cat's coat will still feel wonderful and look amazing after applying it to the problem area two or three times per day.

3. Turmeric 
Due to its powerful antifungal and anti-inflammatory qualities, turmeric can be a very successful ringworm treatment. Simply make a paste out of freshly ground turmeric powder and water, apply it to the problematic regions, and let it sit there until it dries.


In conclusion, deworming in cats is essential for protecting cats from the harmful effects of intestinal parasites. Furthermore, recognizing and treating cat ringworm signs as soon as possible is critical to our feline pets' health. We can help our cats have healthier and happier lives by prioritizing these preventative steps.


1. How to treat cat ringworm?
A veterinarian's recommended medicine, such as topical creams or oral pills, together with environmental cleaning and isolation of the infected cat are the usual methods used for cat ringworm treatment.

2. How much does it cost to treat ringworm in cats?
The cost of treating ringworm in cats varies based on a number of variables, including the infection's severity, the method(s) used to treat it, and the veterinarian's costs. An actual cost estimate should be obtained by speaking with a veterinarian. From sources, it may be around 200 to 600 INR

3. How long does it take to treat ringworm in cats?
Depending on each individual case, the length of ringworm treatment for cats may differ. To completely treat and eradicate the ringworm infection, it often takes a few weeks to a few months.
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