Protect Your Cat: A Guide to Cat Vaccination and Health

Cat Vaccination
Vaccinations for cats are like a shield of armor against several nasty diseases that can wreak havoc on their health. So it's a no-brainer to vaccinate your furry friend and keep their immunity up-to-date with regular cat vaccine booster shots. 

Don't let your guard down even if your cat is an indoor pet, as prevention is better than cure. Your vet is the best judge to guide you on when to give your kitty the cat vaccine booster shots, so don't hesitate to consult with them. Keep your feline friend healthy and purring with peace of mind!

Why Do Indoor Cats Need Vaccines?

Even if your cat is the king or queen of the castle and never leaves the comfort of your home, vaccinating them is still smart. You never know when your feline friend might slip out the door or be exposed to an infected animal. That's why it's better to err on the side of caution and get your indoor cat vaccinated.

Take no risks with the well-being of your beloved pet. Get vaccinated, and you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're doing everything you can to keep them healthy. And who knows, if you ever decide to take them on an adventure, you'll be ready. 

So, don't be a scaredy-cat; get your indoor cat vaccinated today! Your vet is always there to guide you, so consult with them and keep your cat healthy and purring with the cat vaccine.

Kitten Vaccination Schedule Chart

👉 6-10 Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper)

👉 11-14 Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper), FeLV (feline leukemia)

👉 15+ Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper), FeLV (feline leukemia), rabies vaccine.

Adult Cat Vaccinations

Your cat must receive a vaccine one year after completing their kitten series. The FVRCP combination vaccine, which protects against feline distemper, rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus, is recommended, as well as the FeLV vaccine for cats at risk of exposure to feline leukemia virus and the rabies vaccine, which is required by law at many areas.

However, the frequency of booster shots may vary depending on the cat's level of disease exposure, with cats at low risk potentially not needing yearly boosters for most diseases. Therefore, it is best to consult a veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your cat, considering its age, breed, health status, exposure potential, breed status, and location.

What vaccinations are required for cats? Certain vaccines are recommended for all cats and protect against diseases such as:


The rabies shot schedule is a bit of a rollercoaster ride, with some states requiring it annually while others only need it every three years. But let's not take this disease lightly, as it's not just a cat's game. It's a human issue too. Rabies is a real buzzkill and can be a death sentence, not just for Fluffy but us humans. 

The disease is like a stealth bomber, as cats may not show symptoms but can still be infected by bites from infected animals and spread the disease like wildfire. Before you know it, the signs of aggression, disorientation, and death can come on fast. Rabies is a global pandemic, and it's a brainer to vaccinate your pet cat against it. 

Although it may not be listed as a core vaccine, it's the law in most places, so better be safe than sorry! Keep your cat's rabies shot up to date for Fluffy's health.

FVRCP Vaccine

The three core vaccines are conveniently combined into a single shot called the fvrcp vaccine. No need for multiple pokes and prods - your vet can give all three in just one quick visit.

This vaccine covers three of the most common feline diseases:

✔️ Feline rhinotracheitis virus/herpesvirus 1 (FVR/FHV-1)

✔️ Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

✔️ Feline Panleukopenia (FPV)

The fvrcp vaccine for cats may only be needed once every three years, but if your cat ventures outdoors, is young, or is a senior, a yearly shot may be recommended.

If your furry friend is going through a stressful time, such as boarding, giving them a booster shot 7-10 days before can give them an extra layer of protection.

Feline Panleukopenia - FPV

Feline panleukopenia, or feline parvovirus, is a lethal illness that's highly contagious in kittens. It begins with a loss of energy and reduced appetite and quickly escalates to symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. 

This virus is particularly dangerous as it wipes out the kittens' white blood cells, leaving them defenseless against secondary infections.

Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus/Herpesvirus 1 - (FVR/FHV-1)

Feline herpesvirus, otherwise known as feline rhinotracheitis, is the cause of severe symptoms of upper respiratory infection. These symptoms include persistent sneezing, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, and conjunctivitis. Sometimes, it may also lead to painful oral sores and lung infections.

Once the cat overcomes the initial infection, the virus takes a backseat in the nerves. Still, it can rear its ugly head during stress and reactivate, resulting in the cat showing symptoms again, even without being re-exposed to the disease.

Feline Calicivirus - FCV

Feline calicivirus, a group of viral strains, can cause various symptoms, including sneezing, nasal discharge, and painful oral ulcerations. This virus can even lead to more serious issues like chronic gingivitis, hair loss, crusting, hepatitis, and in severe cases, death. So, it's important to guard against this sneaky feline foe.

FeLV Vaccine

The FeLV vaccine is a lifesaver for your furry friend, protecting them against the dangerous feline leukemia virus spreading its wings worldwide. This virus can easily travel from cat to cat through close contact, grooming, and shared food and water bowls.

Although some cats are blessed enough to remain healthy throughout their lives after being infected with FeLV, others may not be so lucky. After a dormant period, the virus can wreak havoc in the form of lymphoma, anemia, or immunosuppression leading to other illnesses.

To make sure your kitten stays safe and healthy, the FeLV vaccine is a must-have. The recommended action plan is a two-dose schedule spaced three to four weeks apart, followed by yearly revaccination for adult cats.

But based on recent findings, the frequency of vaccines can change based on your cat's risk level. If your cat is at high risk, an annual vaccine is recommended, while lower-risk cats only need it every two years. Your vet can provide you with a custom schedule after evaluating your cat's risk of FeLV infection.

The FVRCP shot, also known as the "distemper shot," is a combo vaccine that covers feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia. But depending on your cat's exposure to other felines and the diseases in your area, your cat may require additional vaccinations.

Bordetella is another infection that can be prevented through vaccination, especially for cats who frequent groomers or kennels. Though it's no longer a common recommendation, some businesses may require it. To keep your cat from getting severely ill, the vaccine can help.

Related Read: Cat Eye Infection And Treatment In Summer


1. Are There Risks Associated With Cat Vaccinations?
Getting your feline friend vaccinated is like striking a delicate balance between protection and potential side effects. While the vaccines help boost your kitty's immunity, it's not uncommon to experience mild discomforts such as soreness at the injection site or fever.

However, it's important to remember that the chances of experiencing adverse effects such as tumors or immune disease are slim to none and can often be linked to pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, our veterinary experts take extra care to ensure each vaccine is given at the right spot, leaving a permanent mark in your cat's medical history.

Now, let's talk about the benefits of vaccinating your cat. Vaccines are the front-line defense against feline infectious diseases and have saved countless lives. Although there is always a slight possibility of negative consequences, the risks associated with not vaccinating are much higher. So, the bottom line is, it's worth taking the shot!

2. How Long Do Cat Vaccine Side Effects Last?
While vaccinating your furry friend is an important step in keeping them healthy, it's important to be mindful of any potential side effects. 

Though these are typically mild and short-lived, like a sore injection site or fever, it's still wise to be aware of any signs of severe symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or swelling around the injection site. If you suspect your cat is reacting, don't hesitate to contact your vet for guidance.

However, it's important to remember that the chances of serious consequences, like tumors or immune disease, are rare and often linked to pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, your vet will carefully administer each vaccine in a specific location, leaving a record of your cat's medical history.

Despite the slight possibility of side effects, the benefits of cat vaccinations cannot be overstated. They're the first line of defense against dangerous feline diseases and have saved countless lives. So, in the end, it's a small price to pay for peace of mind and a healthy, happy cat.

3. How Much Are Cat Vaccinations?
Cat Vaccinations cost you around 500-1000 rs.

4. What Is Fvrcp Vaccine For Cats?
FVRCP is a combination vaccine for cats for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. It protects against three serious diseases that can affect cats: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (a herpesvirus infection), 

Calicivirus (a highly contagious respiratory infection), and Panleukopenia (a severe and often fatal form of feline parvovirus). This vaccine is typically given to kittens as part of their routine vaccination schedule, and booster shots are offered annually or as a veterinarian recommends to maintain protection.

On average, the cost of a basic FVRCP vaccine for cats can range from 700 to 1500 Rupees.

5. How To Make Cats Feel Better After Vaccines?
After a cat receives a vaccine, it is normal for them to feel tired or sore at the injection site. To help your cat feel better after vaccines, you can:

1. Provide a quiet and comfortable place for them to rest.

2. Offer plenty of water and a light meal.

3. Offer gentle affection and petting.

4. Apply a warm compress to the injection site to help relieve soreness.

5. If your cat is exhibiting severe discomfort or showing signs of an adverse reaction, contact your veterinarian immediately.

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