Coronavirus in cats │ What is FCOV or FIP ?

Coronavirus is a large family of viruses with RNA and the ability to mutate. As this virus has killed 34 Lakh human beings will be cats face the same? WHO has found that cats in contact with the covid-19 owner have been positive, but they're so much data in which human have been tested positive because of cats. According to sources, the risk of spreading covid-19 through cats is very low, but it's the other way. A report was found in the United States New York where a cat was tested positive. Another such case where a tiger in Bronx New York was found positive with mild symptoms, it said the zookeeper has transmitted to the tiger. But most of the cats did not show any symptoms and are said to be carriers of coronavirus. Even it's rare to get coronavirus in cats you must keep your cats indoors during this situation. 

It was found that the coronavirus in humans is not the same coronavirus found in cats. The strain of virus found in both were different, so coronavirus found in human are SARS-COV2 whereas in cats its Fcov(Feline Coronavirus). Both viruses are highly contagious. Fcov is common in the domestic cat but they do not show any symptoms most of them get self-cured. Fcov can further introduce FIP(feline infectious peritonitis). FIP mainly attacks the epidemic cells of the cat. Only 10% of cats lead to FIP whereas others do not show any symptoms.

 The fecal of cats are tested in RT-PCR for a positive or negative result, as these viruses are found in their poop. These viruses mainly attack the intestinal tract and respiratory tract of cats. Fcov is infected in cats due to intake of the virus, it was observed that cats in colonies are mainly noticed with his type of infection. Unfortunately, there is no cure for FIP as these are rare infections, and the ability of the virus to mutate made it difficult for doctors to find its cure. Even though Fcov is common, but FIP is not. FIP symptoms can be seen in two forms dry and wet.


Dry Form

Wet Form


Effect organs like liver, brain, kidney and skin

Yellow fluid build up in abdomen and chest


Seizures, excessive thrust, urination, vomiting and jaundice

Swollen abdomen, Difficulty in breathing and sometime even death

Symptoms of FIP:

  1. Diarrhoea
  2. Breathing difficulty
  3. Vomiting 
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Intermittent fever
  6. Lack in growth
  7. Jaundice
  8. Fluid build-up in abdomen/chest
  9. Seizures
  10. Eye problems
  11. Cough
  12. GI

Treatment and Prevention:

  1. Good hygiene and over cowing of cats can prevent Fcov.
  2. Drugs like prednisolone, acemannan, tylosin, and cyclophosphamide have been suggested for improvements in cats.
  3. Cats with FIP should be given with proper diet and fluids.
  4. If a cat is diagnosed with fcov make sure you don't make your cat stress, it was observed cats with Fcov have further been diagnosed with FIP because of stress which makes their antibodies less in the count.
  5. Early vaccination can prevent FIP.
  6. Infected cats can spread the virus through saliva, feces, and urine.
  7. Isolating infected cats from other cats.

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